團契 Fellowships
Light Fellowship
Light Fellowship is a fellowship of seniors conducted in Cantonese.
We meet at 10 AM on the first Friday by Zoom, and third Friday at Church each month.
Grace Fellowship
We are a group of people whose hair may be turning gray but whose hearts are full of vitality. We are dedicated to learning how to love God and care for one another based on biblical teachings. Our activities are conducted in Cantonese and include hymn singing, devotional sharing, prayer, Bible study, special lectures, group meals, and joyful gatherings for festival celebrations. Whether you are searching for truth or have been a believer for many years, we welcome you to join this spiritual family, to learn together in the Lord, encourage and support one another, and become disciples who please God.
The group meets every Friday 7:30-9:00 pm (At church or via Zoom)
Greatness Fellowship
Joy Fellowship
喜樂團是教會的婦女團契。歡迎不同年紀和背景的婦女一同來參加。內容有分享, 查經,祈禱,專題講座和不同的興趣活動。每月的第二和第四個星期四9:30-11:00am在教會舉行聚會, 暑期休會。
The Joy Fellowship is a women’s group that meets at the church every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month between 9:30-11:00 am. We welcome women of all ages and backgrounds to gather for a wonderful time of sharing, Bible study, prayer, special talks, and fun activities. Closed in Summer.
David Fellowship
The David Fellowship is a men’s group that meets at the church twice a month on every second and fourth Saturday from 9:30am to 11:00am. We focus on sharing, Bible study, and other activities.
Timothy Fellowship
提摩太團契以服務成人的會眾,尤其是25至50歲的夫婦群體。提摩太團契在每個月的第一和第三個週五, 晚上8:00-9:00, 以Zoom視頻舉行,以學習基督為信徒生命成長的目標。藉著神的話語,使我們有堅實的盼望,無論是在職場或社區,能夠成為一個愛神和愛人如己的群體。暑假休會。
Timothy fellowship focuses on serving adults, especially couples between the age of 25 to 50. Timothy fellowship meets on the first and third Friday every month nurturing our life with Christ. By His grace, we have a solid hope to be Holy people who love God, love one another in our workplace and community. Summer is closed.
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12
Heavenly Melody Fellowship
It is a Cantonese gospel opera fellowship. Meetings are held twice a month on every second and fourth Tuesday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Ms. Monica Bai is the teacher of the fellowship. Currently, there are over thirty fellowship members. Programs include the practice of Cantonese gospel opera songs, prayers, spiritual sharing, testimonies by fellowship members, and birthday celebrations. There are regular monthly visits to eight senior homes and adult day care centres in Vancouver and Richmond during which gospel is spread to the seniors through Cantonese gospel opera songs. There is also an annual gospel meeting for spreading the gospel.
Joshua Fellowship
約書亞團是特別為年青一群的弟兄姊妹而成立的團契。每次聚會先一起共進晚餐, 然後彼此有分享,查經,和不同的興趣活動。逢星期六 7:00-9:00pm 在教會舉行。
The Joshua Fellowship is a youth group that meets at the church every Saturday, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. We will have our dinner together, then share, Bible study, and other activities.
Parents Prayer Meeting
兒女是耶和華所賜的產業; 所懷的胎是他所給的賞賜。 (詩篇127:3)
Contact Us
列治文華人浸信會 Richmond Chinese Baptist Church
10311 Albion Rd, Richmond, BC, V7A3E5
Call Us: (604) 274-1311
[email protected]
(粵語 - 國語 - 英語)
Sunday Services
9:30 AM
RCBC English Worship
11:00 AM
RCBC Chinese Worship (Cantonese)
YouTube 直播
Other Sunday Services
11:00 AM
TBC English worship
(Towers Baptist Church)
3:00 PM
Mandarin worship offered by RCCGC (Richmond Canadian Chinese Gospel Church)
Weekly Gathering
祈禱會 中文 (粵) 週三 8:00pm
父母心祈禱會 英 / 中(粵) 第一週二 8:00pm (Zoom)
崇光團 長者 (粵) 第一、三週三 10:00am (Zoom)
崇恩團 成人 / 夫婦 (粵) 週五 8:00pm
天命團 成人 / 就業 (粵) 週五 8:00pm (暫休)
喜樂團 姊妹 (粵) 第二、四週四 9:30am
大衛團 弟兄 (粵) 第二、四週六 9:30am
天詠團 福音粵曲 (粵) 第二、四週二 7:30pm
提摩太團 年輕家庭 (粵) 第一、三週五 8:00pm (Zoom)
AWANA 兒童 第二、四週五 7:15pm (Zoom)
聖經故事班 (粵) 第一、三週二 10:00am (Zoom)
查經班(粵) 第二、四週一 2:00pm (Zoom)
Contact Us
Richmond Chinese Baptist Church
10311 Albion Rd, Richmond, BC, V7A3E5
Call Us: (604) 274-1311
[email protected]
(粵語 - 國語 - 英語)
10311 Albion Rd, Richmond, BC V7A 3E5, Canada
© 2025 Richmond Chinese Baptist Church
All rights reserved.
Website by ABFMedia.com